Static Mixers


Static mixers are well established and widespread in all fields of chemical process technology. It is characteristically for static mixers, that, in contrast to dynamic mixers, only the media to be mixed are in motion. Different mediums to be mixed, 2 or more streams, are allowed to get mixed by passing through, geometrically strong defined  mixing elements, using Pump Force Energy, providing all the energy required to complete the mixing by creating simple required pressure drop / velocity profile / swirling / turbulence/ spreading actions, with no motors / moving parts or any auxiliary power input, eliminating maintenance and downtime within the process.


Different fields of applications of our Static Mixers are:

⦁ Mixing of pump able fluids

⦁ Dispersing and emulsifying of insoluble liquids (cleavage)

⦁ Mixing of reactive liquids, gases with liquids, Slurry (flow able) with gases / Liquids

⦁ Blending and homogenization of polymers (hot-melts)

⦁ Contacting of gas and liquid phases

⦁ Mixing of gases with & without phase changes

⦁ Tempering of viscous media

⦁ Inline pH Control / Correction of different Acid & Alkaline Streams

⦁ Dilution & Concentrations enhancer for different Acid & Alkaline Streams

⦁ Color Blending, Polymer DE lustering & Emulsion Making

Different Sectors were these static mixers are frequently used are:

⦁ Waste Water / Normal Water Treatment

⦁ Food Processing (Pulp Making / Creams / Beverages / Yogurt Manufacturing)

⦁ Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, Refining Systems

⦁ Paints & Polymer Industries

⦁ Biodiesel & Biofuel Production