Basic & Detail Engineering Services



  • A. Process Engineering :-

Sindwi Process Engineering team has expertise in Process simulation and performing the following activity

  1. Hydraulic Calculation Report
  2. Pressure Drop Calculations
  3. Preparation of PFD’s and P&ID’s
  4. Valve Classifications
  5. Operating and Control Philosophy
  6. Heat and Mass Balance
  7. Steady State Simulations
  8. Equipment Sizing (Pumps, Compressors, Static Equipment, Pressure Vessels, Separators etc…) and data sheets
  9. Line Sizing
  10. Control, Shutdown, and Safe guarding Philosophies
  11. Cause & Effects diagram
  12. Utility Calculation and Utility system design
  13. Instrument Datasheets
  • B. Piping Engineering :-

Sindwi Piping Design Engineering team provides quality piping system design services at competitive rates across industries such as Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Fertilizer and Utilities such as Water & Effluent Treatment and Power. Our piping design consultants can help Design Engineering companies and EPCs (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) to speed up the delivery of detailed engineering plans in order to meet tight schedules.
Our team of engineers has in-depth working knowledge of well-known industry standards in Piping Engineering such as ASME B31.1 (Power Piping), B31.3 (Process Piping) etc.

Piping Design Engineering Activities:-

  1. Performing Piping studies
  2. Development of Plot Plan
  3. Preparation of preliminary piping layout including nozzle orientation
  4. Preparation of preliminary & detailed GADs, BOMs/ MTOs etc.
  5. Preparation of Valve and Piping component Datasheet & Specification
  6. Preparation of design basis and standard drawings
  7. Pipe thickness calculation
  8. Preparation of piping material specifications (PMS)
  9. Preparation of Line list according to P&ID
  10. Preparation of Isometrics
  11. 3-D modeling in PDS/SP3D/PDMS
  12. Static and Dynamic Stress analysis in CAESAR-II
  • C. Pipeline Engineering :-

Sindwi Pipeline Design Engineering team provides quality design of Cross country pipeline (Above ground & Underground) as per ASME B31.4 (Liquid Transportation) / ASME B31.8 (Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping systems) / DNV 1981. Pipeline Design for River crossing by Open cut method.

Pipeline Design Engineering Activities:-

  1. Performing pipeline / survey studies
  2. Preparation of preliminary piping layout.
  3. Preparation of design basis and standard drawings
  4. Pipeline wall thickness calculation
  5. Preparation of Valve and Piping component Datasheet & Specification
  6. Preparation of BOM / MTO.
  7. 3-D modeling in PDS/SP3D/PDMS
  8. Stress analysis in CAESAR-II
  • D. Stress Analysis:-

Sindwi team is capable to do the various types of static and dynamic stress analysis in CAESAR-II Software for all critical and super critical lines.

  • a. Static Analysis: – Specialize in the stress analysis for the Industrial Critical Piping system complying international codes and standards viz. ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, AS-2885, ISO14692. Analysis of critical and super critical systems like
  1. Lines connected to the Pumps, Turbines, Compressor, Vessel, Heat Exchanger, Tower, and Reboiler.
  2. Lines connected to the Heater and Air Fan Coolers
  3. Lines having Expansion Bellows, Springs etc.
  4. IBR Lines, Low, Medium and High Pressure steam lines
  5. Jacketed lines
  6. High pressure piping having snubbers and dampers
  7. PSV line analysis
  8. Wind, Seismic and 2-Phase flow Analysis
  • b. Dynamic Analysis
  1. Modal Analysis
  2. Time History Analysis
  3. Surge Analysis i.e. water hammering
  4. Response Spectrum Analysis (Seismic Analysis)
  5. 2-Phase Flow Analysis 
  • c. Piping Support Engineering:
  1. Special supports preparation
  2. Preparation of data sheets and requisition for spring hangers, expansion joints, snubbers, slide plates, etc.
  3. Pipe Support Layouts
  4. Pipe Support Detail Drawings
  5. Pipe Support Markings based on industry standards and special requirements
  6. Standardization of Pipe Supports
  • d. Underground Line Analysis
  1. Doing the stress analysis of underground line


  • e. GRE / FRP / GRP Pipe Stress Analysis
  1. GRE / FRP / GRP Pipe analysis as per ISO 14692, BS 7159 and UKOOA.
  • f. Off-shore Pipe Stress Analysis
  1. Stress Analysis of Piping running on Fixed / Floating off-shore platforms, FPSO with relative displacements.
  • g. Reliability Studies of the Plants
  1. Solving the critical problems arises due to static & dynamics stress in the piping
  • h. Checker / Approver :-
  1. Worked as a Checker and Approver from Client / PMC side.


  • E. FEA Analysis :-

Sindwi can provide the Process Plant Equipment stress analyses in accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 2 & API‐579 (Level 3) codes. We performs finite element analysis, a simulation technique which evaluates the behavior of components, equipment and structures perform finite element analysis for equipment and components used in refineries, chemical plants, power plants, nuclear plants and many others to list.
FEA Services we offers

  1. Design Evaluation
  2. Fabrication Evaluation
  3. Fitness for Service Evaluation

We perform various finite element analyses such as,

a. Analysis Types

  1. Static
  2. Transient
  3. Thermal
  4. Contact
  5. Elasto-Plastic
  6. Fatigue

b. Failure Modes

  1. Plastic collapse
  2. Local Failure
  3. Buckling
  4. Cyclic loading
  5. Thermo-structural

c. Range of Equipments’s

  1. Pressure Vessels
  2. Heat Exchangers
  3. HRSG Boilers


  • F. Mechanical Engineering :-

Sindwi equipment engineering design team has expertise in the design and analysis of Static Equipment based on international codes and standards like ASME Section VIII, API & TEMA.
Equipment Engineering Design for:

  1. Storage tanks design and drawings
  2. Vertical and horizontal towers & pressure vessels
  3. Shell and tube heat exchangers
  4. Reactors, condensers and evaporators
  5. Material Certificates
  6. Rotating and Non Rotating Equipment Specifications and Data Sheets
  7. WPS’s, and Welding Procedures


  • G. Civil / Structural Engineering :-

Sindwi Engineers provides a wide range of Civil and Structural Engineering Services – transforming our client’s ideas and concepts into reality. Offerings include building general infrastructure, heavy civil engineering and building structure design for Oil and Gas Refineries, Petrochemical, Air Separation Units and other Plant Structures.

Civil design services include

  1. Excavation Drawings
  2. Road and Track Crossing Culvert Design Calculations and Drawings
  3. Rotating and Static Equipment Foundation Design and Drawings
  4. Fence Drawings
  5. Pipe Sleepers and Support Calculations and Drawings
  6. Pump Station Buildings and Sub-station Building Design and Calculations
  7. Valve Pit and Valve Chambers


Structural Design Services include the Structural Analysis and Design of various kinds of Plant Structures like

  1. Structural design and drawing of Pipe Racks
  2. Design and drawing of Process/ Technological Structures
  3. Pipe Support Design and Drawings
  4. Access and Maintenance Platform Design Calculations and Drawings
  5. High Post and Elevated Pipe Support Design and Drawings
  6. Structural Design Using STAAD PRO


  • H. Electrical Engineering :-


Sindwi provides electrical design services for industrial facilities and commercial buildings.

Our engineers have expertise in designing electrical distribution systems including conventional substations, race-way and bus duct systems, underground lines, grounding, distribution switch gear, motor control centers, panel boards, and indoor/outdoor lighting.

  1. Main Substation Planning
  2. Electrical Power Distribution Systems
  3. Single Line Electrical Diagrams
  4. Cable Schedule and Calculations
  5. Earthing Calculation
  6. Power Requirement Calculations
  7. Indoor/Outdoor Lighting
  8. Electrical Floor Plan Layouts
  9. Control Panel Layouts
  10. Fire Protection & Security Systems
  11. High Voltage and Low Voltage Electrical Design
  12. Motor Control Center Layouts
  13. Branch Circuit Layouts & Panel Scheduling


  • I. Instrumentation Engineering :-

Sindwi provides instrumentation design services for industrial facilities and commercial buildings.

    1. Specifications and Data sheets for the Inline Instruments
    2. Control Room Layouts
    3. Instrumentation Loop Diagrams and Hook up drawings
    4. PLC & DCS Configuration
    5. Programmable Controller Field Wiring Diagrams
    6. Instrument Schedule
    7. Cable Schedule
    8. MTO
    9. Operating and Control Philosophy
    10. Cause & Effect Diagram
    11. Fire & Gas System, Panel and Detector Design and Drawings
    12. Cable Route Layout